Business Services

We love to get creative, our business and administrative services include:

  • Human Resources Administration
    • Recruitment, inductions, employment agreements / contracts, policies and procedures, payroll, training and more
  • Marketing and Business Development
    • Development of business plans and marketing plans
    • We can assist you with building your business brand, logo, website, online social media platforms, as well as development of your business documents and templates
  • General Business and Personal Administration Services
    • Provide referrals to other professionals such as financial planners, insurance brokers, solicitors etc. and correspond with them on your behalf or work with your chosen bank managers, insurance brokers, solicitors, financial planners etc.
    • Records administration, storage and management (in the cloud)
    • Capability statement preparations, preparation of quotes and tenders
    • Resume preparation, and general letter writing services

Our services are not restricted to this, please contact us to find out more about how we can help you.

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